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recipe: (required)

The recipe file to build the image from, relative to the config/ or recipes/ directory.

Default: recipe.yml

cosign_private_key: (required)

The Sigstore/cosign secret used to sign the image.

Example: ${{ secrets.SIGNING_SECRET }}

registry_token: (optional)

The token used to sign into the container registry.

Example: ${{ github.token }}

Default: “

registry_username: (optional)

The username used to sign into the container registry.

Default: ${{ github.repository_owner }}

pr_event_number: (required)

The event number used to tag images pushed from pull requests.

Example: ${{ github.event.number }}

maximize_build_space: (optional)

Whether to run the unwanted software remover to maximize build space in the GitHub builder. Use this if your builds are taking too much space. Input must match the string ‘true’ for the step to be enabled.

Default: false

use_unstable_cli: (optional)

If true, this action pulls the main branch of blue-build/cli instead of the stable version the current action version is configured to use by default. This feature is useful for testing new features, but should not be used in production. Input must match the string ‘true’ for the unstable version to be used.

Default: false

cli_version: (optional)

Set this with a tag, sha, or branch name for the blue-build/cli repo to use that particular version of the CLI tool. This will override the use_unstable_cli input for the action.

registry: (optional)

The container registry to push the built image to.


registry_namespace: (optional)

The namespace on the registry to push to.

Example: ublue-os

Default: ${{ github.repository_owner }}

use_cache: (optional)

Make use of docker buildx cache. This is an experimental feature of docker buildx so it isn’t guaranteed to work. Input must match the string ‘true’ for the step to be enabled.

Default: true

squash: (optional)

Uses buildah to squash the build’s layers into a single layer. Use of this option disables cache.

Default: false

working_directory: (optional)

Changes working directory for whole build. For example, setting this to ./abc/ would cause for the recipe to be read from ./abc/recipes/recipe.yml.

Default: ./